Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Recent Breaking News

Hello again!

During the horrible tragedy that Jennifer Hudson went throught with the triple murder of her family members, I was thrown on the air at E! to report the latest details. It was an incredibly busy day at work Here is one of the breaking news segments.

That same day I was also on CNN's Issues with Jane Velez Mitchell. That was an amazing experience and brought me back to my live TV days at KOMU-TV in Columbia, MO.

On a lighter note, I also got the honor of announcing Hill's stars Heidi and Spencer's recent marriage.

This time we used the actual news set! It was so cool! It's where Seacrest stands on a daily basis! I think he and I would make a great team, someday ;)

In addition to all these great opportunities, I'm shooting a pilot for E! on Monday with Ken Baker the gossip maker, that we think has a realistic chance of getting picked up! So excited to work on project from the very beginning with my man Ken Baker. If all goes well our show will be on E! international very soon. I'll be sure to keep you posted.

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