Thursday, May 22, 2008

Behind the Podium

If you've been following season 3 of the Big Debate, which I'm sure you have, you'll love the behind the scenes episodes called Behind the Podium. Check mine out my clicking here! And don't forget, new episodes available every Mon Wed and Fri at Ciao! Aimsters

New Pictures!

The political satire web series Fun With War Crimes is gaining lots of momentum!
To see it, go to or search for it on You Tube.

You won't see me for a few weeks and I'll let you know when the episode is up to view.

For now, here are a few pictures from the shoot.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm a Big Girl Now!

Today, May 19th is my first OFFICIAL day at E!
My contract has been finalized and I am getting cozied into my new office.
I feel like I'm all grown up now, finally, with my office, my salaray and my new car.
Yes I did it. I hunkered down and took out a lease all by myself on a beautiful new car. It's my congratulations gift to myself. E! is going to be an amazing place for me to grow and learn and I'm exstatic to be here. Whatever you want for your life, dream it and live it!

Life is what you make it.

Have a blessed day :-)


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Weekends are made for...working!

It seems I always try to cram as much into one day as humanly possible! What can I say, I thrive when pushed and live for a bit of chaos in my life. This past weekend was no exception.
On Saturday I took an amazing class taught by Howard Fine and his incredible staff.
Of the 40 or so students in class, myself and my scene partner were amongst the 5 chosen to actually work in class. I discovered some things about myself that I was unaware of.
I hardly ever get nervous at auditions or when performing but something about this situation made me giddy with nervous energy. I was anxious to show this renown acting coach my skills, but scared of what he would say at the same time. To my relief, all three men on the panel had great things to say.
David Coury, the vocal coach, kept making comments about how fiery I am! That's pretty accurate. He also gave me some pointers on how to improve my voice. The way I pronounce my 'W's' being one of those little nuances that go unnoticed in my daily life.
Jean-Louis Rodrigue complemented my relaxed and confident persona, and Howard himself gave me some great pointers to improve performance. All in all it was a very helpful workshop.
Shortly after class I headed to meet a friend and help out with a pilot he is shooting. I can't say much but it involves puppets and humans living in the same society, ala Avenue Q. I haven't seen the finished product yet, but it was so much fun to shoot.
Sunday I started my day shooting a scene for my friend Jason Pagan's directing class at USC. I got to work with an extremely talented actress named Hollis Zemany ( We did the scene a few times and by the last few takes we were kept getting stronger and better and Jason wanted to keep shooting. We wrapped around 2 and that gave me time to run home before heading out again for pick up shots.
I ended my weekend shooting just 3 short shots that were the missing links in Siamese Connection. Hopefully that will complete the project and I'll have something to show very soon. I'm proud of this project. It was complicated seeing as though I played my own twin, but fun. I'm always up for a challenge and adventure. Can't wait to see how it turns out!
Today I'm back at E! working away. There is a new Big Debate up today too. I go head to head with Deborah Wilson from MadTV, everyone loves two girls going at it, huh?
That's all for now, MUAH!

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Big Debate

New episode is up today!
Go to
Sign up for reminders and have fresh episodes delivered to you every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Today's topic: Jessica Alba, will a baby be a career bump, or a career bust?
Go online, watch, than vote.


My Network Debut

I've only been at my new job a week and I already got to go on air.
Yesterday a little singer name MARIAH CAREY got hitched to NICK CANNON.
Thus, I got to break the story once it was confirmed, live on E!
It was very exciting and the best part is that my dad got to see it :-)

Thanks to everyone for your love and support.
It means so much.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fun With War Crimes

Hello everyone!
There is a great webseries that just launched today called Fun With War Crimes.
I encourage everyone to check it out on Youtube or directly at the site

It is a political satire with an amazing cast.
Including me! I have a cameo in an upcoming episode.
Check it out and please leave comments!